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angychan's avatar

Golden Moon



-About 3 or 4 hours

My inspirator was Mucha for the liberty style of the image, the japanese-like girl came out before,
In a first time she had to represent "the night" with long black hair and a fluffy kimono fading in the sky, later I had the idea of the art nouveau moon with a simple scheme of lunar phases.
The monochromatic golden likeness of the pic came out at the end, where after a vast number of tries I decided that this was the only way to make the picture decent.
:XD: In conclusion: This is "the night" which is watching through her art nouveau window, selecting what kind of moon she will show tonight XD
Image size
738x825px 35.29 KB
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gohodoshi's avatar
Hi Angysan, would you do me the honor of granting me the permission to turn this into cut out? Just thought of a new method and would like to see if the idea work.